
Date Launched: January 2009

Mineable: PoW

Founders: Satoshi Nakamoto

Child Forks: Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond

Major Investors: Winklevoss Twins, Tim Draper, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen

Type: Currency

  • USD
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  • AUD
  • JPY
  • bitcoinBitcoin(BTC)

Bitcoin stands as the pioneering decentralized ledger cryptocurrency globally, envisioned by its creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Serving as a digital cash system, Bitcoin’s fundamental design ensures it operates without dependence on any central trusted entity. The underlying technology that enables this functionality is blockchain, which guarantees secure and transparent Bitcoin transactions, all recorded on a decentralized public ledger.

The issuance of new Bitcoins occurs through a process known as mining, with a maximum supply cap set at 21 million Bitcoins. The mining process validates and adds new transactions to the blockchain, facilitating the growth and integrity of the network.

Unlike centralized systems like traditional banks, where a single entity wields control and final say over transactions, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature relies on multiple nodes (individuals running the Bitcoin ledger on their PCs). These nodes collectively verify the accuracy and authenticity of the ledger, ensuring a democratic and distributed system of maintenance and decision-making.

Benefits of Bitcoin

In January 2014, renowned venture capitalist Marc Andreessen authored an influential article titled “Why Bitcoin Matters,” published in the New York Times. In this piece, Andreessen emphasized the disruptive potential of Bitcoin technology, highlighting its ability to facilitate low transaction fees, thus enabling micropayments.

The introduction of micropayments through Bitcoin opens up a world of possibilities, granting individuals greater financial flexibility. For instance, users can opt to access news articles on a per-article basis, rather than subscribing to entire publications. Additionally, people can receive their salaries on a daily basis, offering a refreshing departure from the traditional monthly pay schedule.

Bitcoin also delivers heightened security benefits. By accepting Bitcoin payments and instantly converting them to fiat currency, merchants can eliminate the need for credit card transactions, thereby safeguarding customer data from potential hacks or compromises. Furthermore, this approach allows merchants to significantly reduce the fees they typically pay to credit card companies such as Visa or MasterCard. Ultimately, Bitcoin provides a more secure and cost-effective payment option for both merchants and customers.


Over the past few years, Bitcoin has experienced a significant surge in value. However, this remarkable growth has not come without controversy. Numerous government agencies and major institutions have expressed skepticism, dismissing Bitcoin as nothing more than a speculative bubble.

Despite the criticism, it cannot be denied that Bitcoin and blockchain technology are spearheading a revolution in the world of finance. By establishing a decentralized network, they offer a groundbreaking platform for conducting online transactions involving valuable assets without the need for trust in any central authority. Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper laid out the blueprint for a digital cash system, free from reliance on a centralized entity.

While the vision of Bitcoin becoming a widespread international cash system remains a distant goal, the ongoing efforts of dedicated developers are continually enhancing the Bitcoin protocol and striving to make cryptocurrencies more accessible to the masses. With ongoing innovation and improvements, the potential for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to transform the way we transact and exchange value online remains a promising and exciting prospect.

Unlike centralized systems like traditional banks, where a single entity wields control and final say over transactions, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature relies on multiple nodes (individuals running the Bitcoin ledger on their PCs). These nodes collectively verify the accuracy and authenticity of the ledger, ensuring a democratic and distributed system of maintenance and decision-making.

Benefits of Bitcoin

In January 2014, renowned venture capitalist Marc Andreessen authored an influential article titled “Why Bitcoin Matters,” published in the New York Times. In this piece, Andreessen emphasized the disruptive potential of Bitcoin technology, highlighting its ability to facilitate low transaction fees, thus enabling micropayments.

The introduction of micropayments through Bitcoin opens up a world of possibilities, granting individuals greater financial flexibility. For instance, users can opt to access news articles on a per-article basis, rather than subscribing to entire publications. Additionally, people can receive their salaries on a daily basis, offering a refreshing departure from the traditional monthly pay schedule.

Bitcoin also delivers heightened security benefits. By accepting Bitcoin payments and instantly converting them to fiat currency, merchants can eliminate the need for credit card transactions, thereby safeguarding customer data from potential hacks or compromises. Furthermore, this approach allows merchants to significantly reduce the fees they typically pay to credit card companies such as Visa or MasterCard. Ultimately, Bitcoin provides a more secure and cost-effective payment option for both merchants and customers.


Over the past few years, Bitcoin has experienced a significant surge in value. However, this remarkable growth has not come without controversy. Numerous government agencies and major institutions have expressed skepticism, dismissing Bitcoin as nothing more than a speculative bubble.

Despite the criticism, it cannot be denied that Bitcoin and blockchain technology are spearheading a revolution in the world of finance. By establishing a decentralized network, they offer a groundbreaking platform for conducting online transactions involving valuable assets without the need for trust in any central authority. Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper laid out the blueprint for a digital cash system, free from reliance on a centralized entity.

While the vision of Bitcoin becoming a widespread international cash system remains a distant goal, the ongoing efforts of dedicated developers are continually enhancing the Bitcoin protocol and striving to make cryptocurrencies more accessible to the masses. With ongoing innovation and improvements, the potential for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to transform the way we transact and exchange value online remains a promising and exciting prospect.

Bitcoin, often called ‘Digital Gold’, is the world’s first decentralized ledger cryptocurrency based on blockchain. Bitcoin is designed to be a digital cash system that does not rely on a central trusted source.